Saturday, October 27, 2012

OT Global Day of Service

The World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) unites and promotes Occupational Therapy on an international level. World Occupational Therapy Day was first celebrated on October 27th of 2010 and has since established a relationship with to make this day an annual day of service for OTs throughout the entire world. Click on the links below to read more about WFOT and PromOTing OT.

As OTs, we provide paid service daily and we take advantage of opportunities to participate in unpaid service as often as we each are able. Our profession is rooted in social justice and service to others, all the way back to the early 1900's when we first started working in Settlement Houses. We also promote participation in service based activities for our clients as we understand their therapeutic value in relation to quality of life outlined in the Model of Human Occupation. Both paid and unpaid community service are meaningful occupations; however there is something special about the quality of the service experience when monetary connections are removed and the motive originates solely from the heart. Participation in service improves quality of life for all involved. Service can be mowing the lawn for a neighbor, coaching a kids football team, providing unpaid skilled/professional services or going on a mission trip to a third world country. Service can be simple or complex. Service can be both fun and hard work. Service can at times be challenging, however it is most often rewarding and inspirational.

"Consciously or unconsciously, every one of us does render some service or other. If we cultivate the habit of doing this service deliberately, our desire for service will steadily grow stronger, and will make, not only our own happiness, but that of the world at large."
~Mahatma Gandhi

Today, Cincinnati, Ohio OT practitioners, students, family and friends participated in the 2012 OT Global Day of Service in collaboration with Cincinnati Union Bethel. We cleaned, organized and painted one of their four Head Start Preschool programs. We were also provided with some education on the history of Cincinnati Union Bethel (CUB) and the other programs they offer within our community which we hope occupational therapy to become more involved with in the future. CUB was started in 1830 and is the oldest social service agency in Cincinnati. It all started along the Ohio River with the goal to provide a "means of grace and moral improvement to boatmen and those residing in the river vicinity."

Union = group of people
Bethel = church for sailors

Things have changed in Cincinnati a bit since 1830, but CUB continues to offer programs 182 years later. Some of the amazing programs they currently operate include the Anna Louise Inn (provides safe and affordable housing for women), Off the Streets (provides support and community reintegration for prostituted women) and their four Head Start programs. More can be found on this valuable agency at the following link:

 Happy OT Global Day of Service!!!

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