Monday, September 26, 2011

The Sensational Weekend of a Sensory Seeker

According to Mr Webster, pleasure is a sensual gratification, a frivolous amusement, a source of delight of joy...a super simple definition for such a subjective, desired, strong and influential experience. The more I think about it...the more complex it becomes in my mind...and the more I want to understand about pleasure. Pleasure has power and intelligent use of pleasure can give us power...power to feel positive and power to impact others. Pleasure is related to positive emotional feelings and positive sensory input. External and internal information exchange between our bodies and our surrounding environment. What kind of sensory stimulation do you prefer? How do specific sights, touches, noises, scents, tastes, movements (or lack there of) impact your feelings, thoughts and actions? Do you avoid sensory input or seek out as much input as you can? Are you deprived of stimulation or are you over-stimulated?   

I know this might be a shocker; however I have came to the conclusion that I am indeed a sensory seeker. I came to this conclusion not only because I truly enjoy Ironman distance races; but I also have a need for loud rhythmic and dynamic music, intensely flavored foods, 'straberry:)' scented lotion, messy painting or cooking and beautiful sun sets. Pounding on pavement calms me and makes my thoughts sharp and clear. Flying down a hill on my bike and jumping out of a plane (as I just learned today) exhilarates me, creates a large smile and makes my thoughts risky, confident, dreamy and grateful. Diving in the ocean, taking a warm shower, drinking tea, getting a massage, paddling on a board and stroking through the water 'grounds me' and makes my thoughts flexible and accepting.      

down hill with cam attached to speakers...yay for water bungie cords, speaker shelf and cam attachments
This past weekend was an intense and full of emotions. It was one of those go, go, go type of weekends. The nervousness associated with lots of first time experiences occurred this weekend. It was in fact a 'sensational weekend'. Friday involved a bit of dating excitement...trying to include more of that aspect into the adventures. Saturday started out with myself and two colleagues presenting on the topic of sensory strategies for mental health at an occupational therapy association state conference. This topic constantly has me contemplating, not just about the topic alone; however how it's complex relations with EVERYTHING else...much more than able to discuss in a single blog. So, Saturday continued on with an evening bike towards the sun and a run to speedy bpm tunes with Tiesto transitioning from light to dark sky with bright city lights and cars rushing by as I was sweating to the warm air, feeling my rhythmic HR, chewing my mint gum, being cautious of  my body position on the uneven sidewalk, smelling the food being cooked at restaurants, smiling, observing positive interactions of families and couples and being grateful for amazingly talented musicians. It was sensational. Next time you swim, bike or run, (or anything) I challenge you to think more about what you see, hear, smell, taste and feel (not just touch...but how your body feels in relation to it's movement in space). Saturday ended by slowing down and celebrating quietly with some friends. Sunday was a wake up, run in the cold, bike in the cold transition to warm, run in the warm, shoot 12 gauge riffles and jump out of a plane kind of day. Oh...and not to leave out an all you can eat pasta dinner at the Olive Garden with friends. I did come to find out that I enjoy the sound, push back and aiming involved with shooting huge riffles. I also came to find out that I REALLY enjoy free falling out of an airplane and floating in the sky while looking down at earth. It was my pleasure and a pleasure that I shall desire again and again in the future. Same 'free' feeling as flying down a hill on a bike or snow skis but 1000000x more intense. I mean our faces are absolutely not able to accomplish this on earth....  

terrified, trusting, free, perfect, amazed
reaching for the clouds and creating a new facial expression with my awesome instructor
Sensory preferences, pleasures, ideas, life adventures and tri-adventures are all connected...just like everything and everyone is connected to a point. I know what sensory input I like and want. I know this input provides me with the ability to become more aware, help others, create solutions, live my dreams and believe that anything is possible. It's possible to experience 'out of this world' pleasure through healthy and safe experiences. Anything is possible. A cure for cancer, a world record Ironman time, a 70.3 triathlon PR on October 8th, an end to violence, enough food and water for everyone and unconditional love for each other. Do you think cavemen ever thought humans would be flying? Step out, soak it in, appreciate it and keep on truckin'.    
What goes up must come down

The sun, the sky and the sensational flying Menace and Spike 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! So happy I was there to experience this with you. By the way, I have done many a downhills listening to Tiesto...
